
Showing posts with the label maryland

Hiking Hoye-Crest, Maryland (High Point 9+2/50)

Christopher and I spent nine days traveling and visiting family this holiday season, so we built in a couple "alone" days to keep us from going crazy. After leaving my mom's the day after Christmas, we took a detour to snatch the Maryland highest point before heading up to Pittsburgh. The point is marked and the trail well-kept, but because it's not in a park (or anywhere special, really) you have to know what you're looking for or you'll miss it completely. And since half of the mountain is owned by a logging company, we actually started in West Virginia and hiked back into Maryland to reach the top. Because we'd driven most of the day, we caught the peak just before sunset. I was worried that the snow would slow us down, but the incline was never too steep or too slippery. And everything was gorgeous and glittery.