
Showing posts from December, 2012

Pumpkin and Goat Cheese Soup

I made it a priority this autumn to eat as many pumpkin and pumpkin-flavored things as possible. So I compiled a list of recipes, stocked up on organic pumpkin puree and pie pumpkins, and made as many pumpkin treats as I could in a single October. The recipe I was most excited to try was one I found, I'm not at all embarrassed to say, from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess via  The Geeky Chef -- Yeto's Superb Pumpkin and Goat Cheese Soup . I'd never paired pumpkin and goat cheese, but just the thought of doing so made my mouth water. The recipe looked a little bare but also easily modifiable, so I made significant alterations (different cheese, different squash, different spices). It's been delicious every time I've made it. Ingredients 1 small-to-medium pie pumpkin, peeled, seeded, and chopped into 1" cubes 1 large white or yellow onion, chopped 5 cloves garlic, peeled and cut into quarters 4 c. chicken or vegetable stock ½ c. goat cheese, ...

Autumn Round Up

So far this fall I've written several unfinished blog posts. I've stalled on my rigorous reading schedule, taking twice as long to finish Les Misérables than I probably needed. I've knit blanket patches for refugees, weeded too-large and too-small items from my wardrobe, and turned many squash into many soups. I've photo-documented much of this with the intention of uploading images to this blog, but as the days get shorter, it's become harder and harder to do anything but sleep after work. It's been an autumn of false starts. Within the next few weeks I'll be curating secret Christmas-gift Pinterest boards, planning for the new year, and baking with copious amounts of cinnamon.