
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Vitamin Myth: Why We Think We Need Supplements

Nutrition experts contend that all we need is what's typically found in a routine diet. Industry representatives, backed by a fascinating history, argue that foods don't contain enough, and we need supplements. Fortunately, many excellent studies have now resolved the issue. ...  On October 10, 2011, researchers from the University of Minnesota evaluated 39,000 older women and found that those who took supplemental multivitamins, magnesium, zinc, copper, and iron died at rates higher than those who didn't. They concluded, "Based on existing evidence, we see little justification for the general and widespread use of dietary supplements."  Two days later, on October 12, researchers from the Cleveland Clinic published the results of a study of 36,000 men who took vitamin E, selenium, both, or neither. They found that those receiving vitamin E had a 17 percent greater risk of prostate cancer. In response to the study, Steven Nissen, chairman of cardiology at th...

How would you be different if you'd been born a woman?

It's been making the rounds on Facebook, but I figured I'd share here, too. How simple and honest.

Silk and Roses

Dress: Nine West via TJ Maxx; Shirt: Everlane; Belt: Target   I honestly forgot about shoes since I have nowhere to be for the day. It's been kind of a rough adjustment, but things are starting to fall back into place. I miss my old picture spot, though. I'm on day four of going no poo. The next few weeks will be tough, but I think in the end I'll like it. Besides, what better time to try out personal improvement experiments than when you're unemployed?