This fluff question is eerily appropriate, somehow

Mark Binker interviewed each of the three NC governor candidates for WRAL. Among the typical questions regarding funding, private school caps, and teacher pay, Binker posed this question:
If you could choose any course to go back and study, what would you want to learn more about?
The three candidates -- a Republican, a Democrat, and a Libertarian -- responded as follows. Can you guess their political leanings?
  1. "Modern civilization, because you learn a lot from history. . . . We're into a new technical age (like) we have never faced before. But that's true of all history. Every generation, every decade, every century has faced new challenges. How was that handled? ... I continue to learn from that today."
  2. "I think we need to teach economics and accounting to more of our kids. . . . I've had to go through more of a self-taught process. I wish I would have had more of that in high school and college."
  3.  "I might have taken something along the lines of how stuff works, how a car engine works. . . . I was (in school) before the time of computers. Learning that tangible stuff of how things actually work is something I would have been interested in."

Answers: 1. Walter H. Dalton, Democrat; 2. Pat McCrory, Republican; 3. Barbara Howe, Libertarian


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